Media Interviews – Don’t Jumble The Message
When you’re offered a smorgasbord of media stuff ups in the political arena it’s hard to resist writing blog after blog about politicians.
A case in point was Attorney General, George Brandis, doing a terrible job of trying to split hairs in a media interview with David Speers from SKY News.
Brandis was discussing the Australian Government’s proposed data retention policy to monitor people’s internet activity.
Unfortunately his message got more and more unclear as he tried to explain what information the government would record about the internet sites individuals visit.
He continually danced around straightforward questions and his message became more confusing.
The days of trying to convince people in media interviews that something is, when it isn’t, are gone.
A good example: a bucket of poop is a bucket of poop. You can try and fluff it up by sticking roses on the bucket- but at the end of the day it’s still a bucket of poop.
Good journalists won’t let you off the hook when you’re trying to split hairs or be evasive.
Now watch and listen to the interview so you know what NOT to do.
• Don’t split hairs in a media interview
• Be up front and honest
• Don’t get caught in a media interview debating semantics
• It’s the overall message that counts
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